Monday, February 14, 2011

Being Human (Syfy) - TV Guide: Ask Matt Feb 14 '11

Source: TV Guide [follow link for complete column]

Being Human

TV GUIDE: Ask Matt: Relationships on Bones, Fringe, Office, Glee

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... Question: As a fan of the U.K. version of Being Human, which is coming back for a third season Saturday night, I was skeptical about the SyFy version. I've watched it for four episodes and 0have decided it is pretty good. I only knew one of the lead actors, Sam Huntington, from other things, but it seems Sam Witwer may be familiar to many SyFy viewers and so was a smart casting choice as vampire Aidan. SyFy has sprinkled episodes of Being Human all over their schedule, including bumping my SyFy favorite Merlin on Friday to 10 one week so I wonder how it is doing ratings-wise. I also wonder what you think of BBC America bringing back its version so soon after the launch of the American version. I don't know if I want to watch two versions of the same show at the same time. Is BBCA trying to strangle the baby, or are they hoping for a boost for their show with the attention given to the SyFy version? — Frank

Matt Roush: From what I can tell, Syfy is pleased with the performance of its version of Being Human, but I'm afraid "pretty good" isn't doing it for me. I'm too attached to the original, and hope to post a review later this week of the first episodes of the new season. Watching Syfy's version seems both redundant and unsatisfying (with the exception of Witwer's broodiness, the actors' broad rhythms make me feel I'm watching a strained, shrill sitcom). I was rather surprised when BBC America announced it would be overlapping the current Syfy run with its new episodes. But BBCA has been attempting to air its originals closer in sync with the British broadcasts, so that could explain it. And it doesn't hurt that the show is more visible now to the American audience, so I'm going with the "boost" strategy rather than the colorful "strangle" metaphor.

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