Friday, September 30, 2011

Terra Nova - FOX Video: 'Instinct' Sneak Peek # 2 Airs Oct 3 '11

Source: FOX Broadcasting You Tube channel

Terra Nova 4

TERRA NOVA - FOX VIDEO: 'Instinct' Sneak Peek # 2 Airs Monday, October 3, 2011 at 8/7C

Don't miss all-new episodes of TERRA NOVA, MON at 8/7c on FOX!

Jim and Taylor try to save the colony from a legion of pterosaurs; Elisabeth learns that a former flame is also living in Terra Nova; Reynolds becomes protective of Maddy; Skye tries to help Josh adjust to his new home.

Guest stars include Rod Hallett.

Fringe - Give My My Remote TV: John Noble Video Interview # 3

Source: Give Me My Remote TV You Tube channel

Fringe Friday

FRINGE - GIVE ME MY REMOTE TV: John Noble teases the new Walter-Peter relationship

At the Fox Fall junket, FRINGE star John Noble talks with's Marisa Roffman about Walter's new relationship with Peter, the uneasy trust between universes and more.

Merlin - Video: Extended Season Four Promo Trailer

Source: You Tube


MERLIN - VIDEO: Extended Season Four Promo Trailer

Merlin season four premieres on Syfy in 2012. Cast includes John Hurt, Colin Morgan, Bradley James, Anthony Head, Richard Wilson, Angel Coulby and Katie McGrath.


Terra Nova - FOX Video: 'Instinct' Sneak Peek # 1 Airs Oct 3 '11

Source: FOX Broadcasting You Tube channel

Terra Nova 3

TERRA NOVA - FOX VIDEO: 'Instinct' Sneak Peek # 1 Airs Monday, October 3, 2011 at 8/7C

Don't miss all-new episodes of TERRA NOVA, MON at 8/7c on FOX!

Jim and Taylor try to save the colony from a legion of pterosaurs; Elisabeth learns that a former flame is also living in Terra Nova; Reynolds becomes protective of Maddy; Skye tries to help Josh adjust to his new home.

Guest stars include Rod Hallett.

Bedlam - TV Guide: Matt's Guide to Weekend TV: Oct 1 '11

Source: TV Guide [follow link for complete column]


TV GUIDE: Matt's Guide to Weekend TV: Fringe, Doctor Who, Dexter and More

Sep 30, 2011
by Matt Roush


... If ghosts are more your thing, then Bedlam will be quite the wallow, because there are more spirits than you can say boo to in this haunted mental asylum-turned-posh condo complex. Unhappy ghosts lurk everywhere in these corridors, waiting to pounce on anyone with a sexual peccadillo or illicit skeleton in their designer closets. Though the stories provide plenty of jolts, Bedlam becomes less scary with repetition during its six-episode duration, because we can see these persistent ghouls all too easily. So can Jed (heartthrob Theo James), the troubled empath whose past is linked to Bedlam Heights' sordid history.

Jed keeps busy in each episode trying to avert all manner of deadly spectral mischief — this week's premiere is big on creepy water effects — but by the sixth episode, when two of his sexy single roomies are playing with tarot cards in a bedroom full of candles, you figure they're just asking for it. Why don't they all just move?

Doctor Who - TV Guide: Matt's Guide to Weekend TV: Oct 1 '11

Source: TV Guide [follow link for complete column]


TV GUIDE: Matt's Guide to Weekend TV: Fringe, Doctor Who, Dexter and More

Sep 30, 2011
by Matt Roush


Tonight's Top Pick:

It's a night of transition for BBC America's "Supernatural Saturdays," as Doctor Who (9/8c) takes a rest — but hopefully not his final rest — in the season finale, making room for the premiere of the spooky Bedlam (10/9c), which will occupy Who's slot in future weeks.

The Who finale takes us back to the beginning of the season, which foreshadowed the Doctor's death by a Utah lake. In this episode, teasingly titled "The Wedding of River Song," the Doctor returns to the lake for his final reckoning, having realized the only way to preserve the universe is to accept death. We have to imagine there's a loophole (or wormhole) somewhere to remedy the situation...

Fringe - TV Guide: Matt's Guide to Weekend TV: Sep 30 '11 - FOX 9/8C

Source: TV Guide [follow link for complete column]

Fringe season 4

TV GUIDE: Matt's Guide to Weekend TV: Fringe, Doctor Who, Dexter and More

Sep 30, 2011
by Matt Roush


Tonight's Top Pick:

When worlds collide, Fox's cult gem Fringe (9/8c) is at the top of its game. You've never seen a murder-mystery manhunt like tonight's chilling and provocative episode, in which the Fringe team from the "other" world enlists "our" Olivia to cross over to track down a serial killer in the alt-universe — by bringing along the madman's doppelganger from our world, who happens to be a professor specializing in forensic pathology and profiling. The "what-if" vibes are fascinating as the professor — and by extension everyone in the dual-universe loop — considers the vagaries of fate and environment when confronted with "the path not taken." The story is suspenseful, poignant and wonderfully original. And in case you're wondering why Walter stays behind, surrounding himself with a cacophony of music: It may have something to do with that nagging disembodied voice he can't stop hearing. Hurry home soon, Peter Bishop!

Merlin - Digital Spy: Katie McGrath Video Interview

Source: Digital Spy

Merlin 3

MERLIN - DIGITAL SPY: Katie McGrath interview: 'Fans should expect the unexpected'

Thursday, September 29 2011
By Morgan Jeffery

Merlin returns to BBC One this Saturday night, and Digital Spy is happy to see it back! To celebrate the show's return, we caught up with a number of the cast to find out what we can expect from the fantasy drama's fourth series.

Today's interview is with the lovely Katie McGrath, who plays Merlin's nemesis Morgana. In our chat, Katie told us all about her character's new look, this year's guest actors and her desire to see Castle's Nathan Fillion play a "medieval, slave-trading pirate"!

Merlin airs this Saturday at 7.50pm on BBC One. (Merlin season four will air in the US on Syfy in 2012).

Merlin - Digital Spy: Colin Morgan Video Interview

Source: Digital Spy

Merlin 2

MERLIN - DIGITAL SPY: Colin Morgan video interview: 'Merlin is in fight mode'

Friday, September 30 2011
By Morgan Jeffery

Merlin returns to BBC One this Saturday night, and Digital Spy is happy to see it back! To celebrate the show's return, we caught up with a number of the cast to find out what we can expect from the fantasy drama's fourth series.

With just one day left to go, it's time for a chat with Merlin himself, Colin Morgan. In our video chat, Colin assures us that, even with the Knights around, Merlin will remain at Arthur's side, and also reveals that this year the boy wizard will be in "fight mode"!

Merlin returns to BBC One tomorrow night at 7.50pm. (Merlin season four airs in the US on Syfy in 2012.)

Sanctuary - NBC Experience Store - Meet Amanda Tapping and Robin Dunne on Oct 7 '11

Source: Thanks to a tweet from Robin Dunne!

Come see @amandatapping and I @NBC Experience Store in Rock Center in NYC on 10/7 at 10am!

Amanda Tapping and Robin Dunne will be visiting the NBC Experience Store in New York City, NY, on October 7, 2011 at 10 am.

Located at Rockefeller Center in New York City, the NBC Experience Store brings you an innovative retail attraction with interactive features, a Sweet Shop, state-of-the-art high-definition theater, and more. The NBC Experience Store offers walking tours behind the scenes of NBC's New York studios and of New York's most recognizable landmark, Rockefeller Center. The 20,000 square foot facility is
conveniently located directly across from Studio 1A, home of the TODAY Show, on the corner of 49th Street and Rockefeller Plaza (first floor). It's a one-stop visit to the world of NBC.

For more information, please call (212) 664-3700.


Sanctuary season four premieres Friday, October 7, 2011 at 10/9C on Syfy and in Canada on Space Channel.

Haven - Blastr: Lucas Bryant Interview

Source: Blastr [follow link for complete interview]

Haven season finale

HAVEN - BLASTR: Haven's Nathan spills on that big kiss and tonight's season finale

By Kathie Huddleston
Sep 30, 2011

There's been big stuff brewing on Syfy's Haven, and life's about to get even more challenging for the show's characters on the season-two cliffhanging finale, said actor Lucas Bryant. While the Canadian actor promises we'll learn some of the character's secrets, don't expect to find out too much...


"I mean, you get some great answers, learn some crazy stuff. And we'll see if people think that it's as rug-pulling as the season-one finale was. But ... there are some definite cliffhangers. I mean, it would be nice to say that everything is revealed and they figure out how to end the Troubles and everyone lives happily ever after. But we want to do another 10 seasons," said Bryant.

Last week's episode, "Business As Usual," featured a big kiss between Nathan and Audrey, along with teasers about Audrey and Duke's pasts.

"I think a lot of fans got what they wanted this past episode—I mean, a taste of it, anyway. And then maybe some were horrified, but I hope there's not too many of those," joked Bryant. "I'm sorry to say I don't see [Audrey and Nathan's romance] progressing as easily as one might hope and realize. I mean there's definitely going to be some roadblocks and speed bumps; I can't and won't tell you exactly what they are, and I don't know the half of them. But yes, I think that puts us on a trajectory that has potential to be lovely, but will probably inevitably be very difficult and potentially dangerous."


On tonight's finale, "Sins of the Fathers," ghosts of the past return to reveal shocking truths about Audrey, Nathan and Duke's future. Battlestar Galactica's Tahmoh Penikett guest-stars, along with Nicholas Campbell, who played Nathan's father, the Chief, in season one...

Bedlam - BBC America Video Featurette: Meet Kate - Premieres Oct 1 '11

Source: BBC America You Tube channel


BEDLAM - BBC AMERICA VIDEO FEATURETTE: Meet Kate - Premieres Saturday, October 1, 2011 at 10/9C

Meet Kate (Charlotte Salt, The Tudors, Wildfire). Kate's the building manager at Bedlam Heights. She's great to look at, enjoys relaxing in the tub... and is beginning to realize that converting a mental hospital into a luxury apartment complex may result in some unforeseen consequences.

Don't miss BEDLAM, the new addition to BBC America's Supernatural Saturday, that dares to imagine a haunted Melrose Place.

Premiering immediately after the season finale of Doctor Who, *** Saturday October 1 at 10/9c *** only on BBC America. Then, starting October 8, new episodes move to its regular slot: Saturdays at 9/8c.

Bedlam is a ghostly series set around Bedlam Heights -- a hip, newly renovated apartment building. Those who live there think they have the best address in the world, but little do they know their new home has a harrowing past.

The conversion of Bedlam Heights from a former insane asylum has awakened the ghosts of its dark and violent past. These spirits wish to reclaim what's theirs and seek revenge on those who have wronged them.

Kate (Charlotte Salt, The Tudors), a direct descendant of the people who ran the former asylum for generations, lives and works in Bedlam Heights. Her father, Warren (Hugo Speer, Skins), still owns the old family property, and Kate is helping him fill the remaining vacant apartments. She shares her apartment with roommates Ryan (Will Young, Skins) and Molly (Ashley Madekwe, Secret Diary of a Call Girl), but only with the unexpected arrival of Kate's adopted cousin, Jed (Theo James, Downton Abbey) -- a troubled man with a history of mental illness who sees ghosts and visions of the past -- are they able to uncover the terrifying secrets of Bedlam Heights. The hauntings that follow prove that sometimes when you scratch away the surface, things aren't always what they seem.

Don't miss BEDLAM, part of BBC America's Supernatural Saturday line-up, *** premiering immediately following the Doctor Who season finale on Saturday October 1 at 10/9c *** -- before moving to its regular timeslot, Saturdays at 9/8c starting October 8. Starring Theo James, Ashley Madekwe, Hugo Speer, Charlotte Salt and Will Young.

Supernatural - AOL TV: What To Watch: TV Picks Sep 30 '11 - CW 9/8C

Source: AOL TV [follow link for complete column]

Supernatural 5

AOL TV: What To Watch: TV Picks for Friday, September 30, 2011

by Laura Prudom
Sep 25th 2011

... 'Supernatural'

(9PM ET, The CW)

Hiatus may be over, but 'Supernatural' apparently had another killer cliffhanger up its sleeve for the season premiere, and we're hoping episode two will shed a little light on a new set of burning questions: what are the leviathans, is Castiel really gone for good and will Sam be able to differentiate hallucination from reality? Meanwhile, Bobby worries that Dean is beginning to stumble under the weight of fighting Castiel and keeping an eye on Sam.

Tom Selleck - Blue Bloods - MSN TV: Tonight's Picks Sep 30 '11 - CBS 10/9C

Source: MSN TV [follow link for complete column]

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MSN TV: Tonight's Picks Friday, September 30, 2011

... Blue Bloods

10:00 PM, CBS

After shooting a fellow officer who failed to identify himself as such, Danny (Donnie Wahlberg) is placed on modified assignment and becomes the target of an internal affairs investigation, which focuses on his state of mind the day of the incident. Tom Selleck, Bridget Moynahan and Jennifer Esposito also star in the new episode "Friendly Fire."

Haven - AOL TV: What To Watch: TV Picks Sep 30 '11 - Syfy 10/9C

Source: AOL TV [follow link for complete column]

Haven season finale

AOL TV: What To Watch: TV Picks for Friday, September 30, 2011

by Laura Prudom
Sep 25th 2011

... 'Haven'

(10PM ET, Syfy)

season finale

The dead visit the living to resolve unfinished business, and the reverend resurfaces to launch his endgame.

Primeval - Video: Season 5 Trailer # 2 - Premieres Nov 2011 on BBC America

Source: You Tube

Primeval 5

PRIMEVAL - VIDEO: Season 5 Trailer # 2 - Premieres Nov 2011 on BBC America

Season 5 cast includes Andrew Lee Potts, Hannah Spearritt, Ben Miller, Juliet Aubrey, Ben Mansfield, Lucy Brown and Ciarán McMenamin.

Fringe - MSN TV: Tonight's Picks Sep 30 '11 - FOX 9/8C

Source: MSN TV [follow link for complete column]

Fringe Friday

MSN TV: Tonight's Picks Friday, September 30, 2011

... Fringe

9:00 PM, FOX

The Fringe Division is asked to help stop a serial killer "Over There" in this new episode. As the team tangles with its counterparts from the other side, the suspect's doppelganger "Over Here," a forensic psychology professor, says it may be necessary to send civilians over. Anna Torv, Joshua Jackson and John Noble star in "One Night in October."

Sanctuary - Media Blvd Magazine: Amanda Tapping and Robin Dunne Interview

Source: Media Blvd Magazine [follow link for complete interview]

Sanctuary Oct 7

SANCTUARY - MEDIA BLVD MAGAZINE: Sanctuary Returns For a Fourth Season

By Kenn Gold
27 September 2011

Sanctuary returns to Syfy on October 7th 2011 for it’s fourth season, and series stars Amanda Tapping, and Robin Dunne recently answered questions about what the fans can expect. The following is an edited transcript from that conversation...


... Question> Great, well I can't wait to see it. Can you talk about some of the guest stars that you have, other than what you just said, that you have coming up this season?

Amanda> Well Ian Tracey is back as Adam Worth, and Jonathon Young is back as Tesla. Peter Wingfield is back as James Watson.

Robin> We have a very, kind of cool new villain this year, played by Brian Markinson.

Amanda> Who's just a phenomenal actor, and we had him in one episode, and loved him so much that we kept bringing him back. Carlo Rota does a couple of episodes of the show. Oh, your dad, Al Sapienza.

Robin> Al Sapienza plays Will's dad, in a wonderful performance, you know him from the Sopranos.

Amanda> Robert Lawrenson is back a fair bit, as Declan, which is great. What you've seen over the past three seasons, as we build the Sanctuary family, we utilize them a lot. And I think that's what I love about the show is if you come on and we really dig you and we have, pretty much dug everyone who's come on the show, and we just keep bringing you back. So it's just a real sense of family here. Gil Bellows, actually came and did our last few episodes with us, and he's phenomenal, so...

Robin> The Sanctuary family is growing. Aww, so cute, it's like the Brady Bunch, but way, way bigger.

Amanda> Way more dysfunctional, but fun...


Doctor Who - Yahoo! TV: Weekend Picks Oct 1 '11 - BBC America 9/8C

Source: Yahoo! TV [follow link for complete column]


YAHOO! TV - Weekend Picks - What to Watch This Weekend

A list of can't-miss hot shows, undiscovered gems and fan favorites airing this Friday, Saturday and Sunday

... Doctor Who

Season Finale: Saturday at 9pm on BBC America

BBC's time-tripping sci-fi adventure caps off another season with this week's dramatic finale. The Doctor heads to Lake Silencio to sacrifice himself for the good of the universe -- but will his life be saved at the last minute by true love? Hmmm, sounds very "Matrix"-y... and that's not a compliment.

The Vampire Diaries - Collider: Executive Producer/Writer Julie Plec Interview

Source: Collider [follow link for complete interview]

Vampire Diaries

THE VAMPIRE DIARIES - COLLIDER: Executive Producer/Writer Julie Plec Interview THE VAMPIRE DIARIES Season 3

by Christina Radish
September 29th, 2011

In this week’s episode of The Vampire Diaries, entitled “The End of the Affair,” family ties will be revealed, relationships will be explained and familiar faces will return, and it’s only the third episode into Season 3. Collider was one of a handful of outlets invited over to The CW offices to view the episode and all of its edge-of-your-seat moments a day early, and see what hints we could get executive producer/writer Julie Plec to tease, in regard to the upcoming season.

While she didn’t give any specifics or major reveals, Julie Plec did talk about how this episode is just the beginning of what viewers will see of the Originals’ history and origin, what these revelations will do to the relationship between Stefan (Paul Wesley) and Elena (Nina Dobrev), that the chemistry between Elena and Damon (Ian Somerhalder) will be illuminated more as a result, what the true agenda of the ghosts visiting Jeremy (Steven R. McQueen) is, when Bonnie (Katerina Graham) will return, how things will develop between Caroline (Candice Accola) and Tyler (Michael Trevino), and that viewers should always dread character deaths...

... Q: What can you tease about the ghosts and what their agenda is?

PLEC: "What I can tease is that there definitely is an agenda happening with our ghosts that isn’t just, “Hey, I want to make amends with my loved ones.” As we get into the next episode and Bonnie returns, and Jeremy (Steven R. McQueen) is holding this secret now, this person that’s been very easy to keep a secret from because she’s been away, a couple months have gone by and he hasn’t fessed up to it. So, at what point did it go from not wanting to let her in on something to an out-and-out lie? We’re going to see the emotional consequences of Bonnie bringing Jeremy back to life. It’s put a rift in her romantic relationship with him. And then, over the next couple episodes, our arc is to see what the ghostly and supernatural consequences are of that..."

Tom Selleck - Blue Bloods - Entertainment Weekly: Tonight's Best TV Sep 30 '11 - CBS 10/9C

Source: Entertainment Weekly [follow link for complete column]

Blue 2

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Tonight's Best TV Friday, September 30, 2011

A Daily Guide To Notable Shows

... Blue Bloods

10-11 PM CBS

Donnie Wahlberg's Danny shoots a cop, which I don't think you're supposed to do if you're also a cop.

Stargate Atlantis - GateWorld: Paul McGillion Interview

Source: GateWorld [follow link for complete interview]


STARGATE ATLANTIS - GATEWORLD: Hippocratic Oaths - Paul McGillion Interview

by Chad Colvin
Friday - September 30, 2011

Paul McGillion is a hard man to track down. It’s been a busy two years for the Atlantis favorite. Mere months after Syfy aired the final episode, “Enemy at the Gate,” McGillion popped up in a small role in J.J. Abrams big-screen Star Trek reboot. He followed that up with guest spots on shows like Supernatural, V, Sanctuary and more, slowing down just long enough to get married late last year. While we did get a chance to speak with the actor ever-so-briefly last summer, we’ve been chomping at the bit for a proper sit-down.

That chance came recently when Paul was a guest on the Creation Entertainment Official Stargate Convention tour. In our latest discussion with the man who portrayed one of Atlantis‘ most beloved characters, Paul McGillion talks about the new genre comedy series he has in development, some of the projects you’ll see him in soon, his thoughts on the current television landscape without Stargate in it, and more!


... GW: Let’s talk about professionally what you’ve been up to lately. Tell us a little bit about Captain Starship.

PM: Captain Starship is a pilot that we recently completed. We just finished all the post on it. Myself, Michael P. Northey, Ivon Bartok from Stargate — you know he did all the special features, and Jesse James Miller were co-creators and producers on the show. To sum it up, it’s kind of like Two and a Half Men meets Entourage with a sci-fi twist.

GW: Nice! I could actually handle that.

PM: Yeah, it’s a cool script. Michael came up with it years ago when we did Dragon*Con together and [we’ve] always wanted to do something [together].

So it’s kind of like, I have a nephew that moves in with me, this great young actor named Quinn Lord. He’s an 11 year old, and a lot of my buddies hang out with me — that’s where the Entourage aspect comes into play. Michael Northey is one of them and he doesn’t follow the rules of my house so he has to live in a tent on the roof. It’s quite, hopefully, funny.

Erin Karpluk’s also in it. Michael Shanks guest stars in the pilot and he’s fantastic, he’s hilarious. And Erin Karpluk from Being Erica, a big Canadian show that does well, she plays my girlfriend in it. Hopefully people like it. We just submitted it to the Banff Television and Film Festival, where they pick up new product, in June so hopefully we’ll get a nomination. We’ll see what happens...


CAPTAIN STARSHIP - TRAILER from Ivon R. Bartok on Vimeo.

Supernatural - What 2 Watch Sep 30 '11 - CW 9/8C

Source: [follow link for complete column]


SUPERNATURAL - FILM.COM: What 2 Watch Friday, September 30, 2011

by Charlie Toft
September 26, 2011

... Supernatural

Friday: (CW, 9 p.m.):

Bobby is concerned about Dean’s burden getting too large, given that Sam is experiencing hallucinations and that Castiel is a growing menace. Yes, I can imagine that constantly dying and un-dying might in time start to drive one a little crazy.

Primeval - Video: Season 5 Trailer # 1 - Premieres Nov 12 '11 on BBC America

Source: You Tube


PRIMEVAL - VIDEO: Season 5 Trailer # 1 - Premieres Nov 12, 2011 on BBC America

Andrew-Lee Potts, Hannah Spearritt, Ciaran McMenamin, Ben Mansfield, Ruth Kearney, Ben Miller and Alexander Siddig.

Fringe - AOL TV: What to Watch: TV Picks for Sep 30 '11 - FOX 9/8C

Source: AOL TV [follow link for complete column]

Fringe season 4

AOL TV: What to Watch: TV Picks for Friday, September 30, 2011

by Laura Prudom
Sep 25th 2011


... 'Fringe'

(9PM ET, Fox)

As the victims of a highly intelligent serial killer "Over There" stack up, the Fringe Division "Over Here" is asked to assist. As the two sides tangle and innocent people remain at risk, the suspect's doppelganger "Over Here," a professor who teaches Forensic Psychology, is brought into the fold and forces the team to consider the notion of sending civilians to the other side.

The Big Bang Theory - New York Magazine: Mayim Bialik Interview

Source: New York Magazine [follow link for complete interview]

Bang 2

NEW YORK MAGAZINE: Mayim Bialik on The Big Bang Theory’s On-Set Awkwardness, Her Blossom Crush, and Performance Anxiety

By: Mina Hochberg

Mayim Bialik currently stars as Über-geek Amy Farrah Fowler on The Big Bang Theory, but fans of a certain age will forever remember her as Blossom Russo, the precocious hat-wearing teen from nineties coming-of-age show Blossom. After taking a decade off from acting to earn a Ph.D. in neuroscience and start a family, Bialik is back in the spotlight. Vulture spoke with her about season five of The Big Bang Theory, her secret Blossom crush (it wasn’t Joey Lawrence), and how dissertation committees are a lot like TV executives...


Mayim Bialik and Johnny Galecki

... Q: You were away from television for more than a decade. How has acting on a TV show changed since then?

Mayim Bialik: "There’s a lot less precision necessary. When I was on Blossom, things had to be done really perfectly. You had to hit marks perfectly. We did all of our own blocking, and now they have professional stand-ins so you don’t stand under all those lights all day — which I think is kind of funny, because to me part of the fun is getting to work with the crew more. In some ways, there’s more paper use than before. When I was on Blossom, we used to have to collate our own scripts, so if there was a script and you got changes, they would give you the stack and you had to insert them into the script. I’m shocked every day on Big Bang Theory when I get a brand-new collated script..."

Supernatural - MSN TV: Tonight's Picks Sep 30 '11 - CW 9/8C

Source: MSN TV [follow link for complete column]


MSN TV: Tonight's Picks Friday, September 30, 2011

... Supernatural

9:00 PM, CW

As Castiel (Misha Collins) continues struggling with the demands of his new power, Sam (Jared Padalecki) has trouble distinguishing between reality and his hallucinations. Bobby (Jim Beaver) fears that the twin burdens of fighting Castiel and keeping an eye on Sam are taking their toll on Dean (Jensen Ackles) in the new episode "Hello Cruel World."

Terra Nova - Hit Fix: Producers René Echevarria and Brannon Braga Video Interview

Source: Hit Fix [follow link for companion article]

Terra Nova 4

TERRA NOVA - HIT FIX: Producers René Echevarria and Brannon Braga talk 'Terra Nova'

Getting the real story on FOX's new dino-drama

By Daniel Fienberg
Monday, Sep 26, 2011

Tom Selleck - Blue Bloods - Yahoo! TV: Weekend Picks Sep 30 '11 - CBS 10/9C

Source: Yahoo! TV [follow link for complete column]

Blue 2

YAHOO! TV - Weekend Picks - What to Watch This Weekend

A list of can't-miss hot shows, undiscovered gems and fan favorites airing this Friday, Saturday and Sunday

... Blue Bloods

Friday at 10pm ET on CBS

Danny's career in law enforcement is on the line this week when he accidentally shoots a fellow cop who failed to identify himself. He's reassigned and subject to an internal-affairs investigation, which delves into his state of mind on that fateful day. Plus, Frank is put in the uncomfortable position of disciplining his own son.

Simon Baker - The Mentalist - Video: 'Pretty Red Balloon' Episode Trailer Airs Oct 6 '11

Source: You Tube

Mentalist 2

THE MENTALIST - VIDEO: 'Pretty Red Balloon' Episode Trailer Airs Thursday, October 6, 2011 at 10/9C on CBS

Jane looks for a missing child at the request of the mother, who is one of Jane's former clients from his career as a psychic, and he clashes with the woman's spiritual adviser.

Guest stars include Kelli Williams, JD Walsh, Todd Grinnell, Brian McNamara, David Bowe, Jake Martin, Miles Elliot, Diana Morgan and Mercedes Colon.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Big Bang Theory - Late Show with David Letterman: Kaley Cuoco Video Interview

Source: CBS You Tube channel

Bang 2


Find out what happened when "Big Bang Theory" star Kaley Cuoco discovered she was going out with a real-life hoarder.

Amanda Tapping - Sanctuary - Urban Rush Video: Amanda Tapping and Fiona Forbes Shop for Shoes

Source: Urban Rush You Tube channel

Sanctuary Oct 7

SANCTUARY - URBAN RUSH VIDEO: Amanda Tapping and Fiona Forbes Shop for Shoes

Amanda Tapping appears on Shaw TV Vancouver's Urban Rush with hosts Fiona Forbes and Michael Eckford, and goes shopping for shoes for her characters Helen Magnus on Sanctuary and Stargate SG-1 / Stargate Atlantis' Sam Carter.

Sanctuary season four premieres Friday, October 7, 2011 at 10/9C on Syfy and in Canada on Space Channel.

The Vampire Diaries - E! News: Joseph Morgan Video Interview

Source: E! News You Tube channel

Vampire Diaries

THE VAMPIRE DIARIES - E! NEWS: Joseph Morgan Video Interview

"The Vampire Diaries" star reveals what's in store for his character in the third season of the sexy bloodsucking series!

Amanda Tapping - Sanctuary - Video: Season 4 Promo Trailer with NEW Clips!

Source: You Tube

Sanctuary Oct 7

SANCTUARY - VIDEO: Season 4 Promo Trailer with NEW Clips!

Sanctuary season four premieres Friday, October 7, 2011 at 10/9C on Syfy and in Canada on Space Channel.

Cast includes Amanda Tapping, Robin Dunne, Ryan Robbins, Agam Darshi and Christopher Heyerdahl.

Included in the clip(s) are recurring characters Nikola Tesla (Jonathon Young), Dr. John Watson (Peter Wingfield), Adam Worth (Ian Tracey), Abby Corrigan (Pascale Hutton) and actors Brian Markinson and Gil Bellows.

Adrian Pasdar - 'The Terror Beneath' - Syfy Video: Movie Trailer Airs Oct 8 '11

Source: Syfy


THE TERROR BENEATH - SYFY VIDEO: Movie Trailer - Premieres Saturday, October 8, 2011 at 9/9C

They thought they found the Garden of Eden, but they unleashed the root of all evil. Syfy Original Movie The Terror Beneath premieres Saturday Oct 8 at 9/8c.

The Terror Beneath (listed as Garden of Evil at IMDB, and previously titled 'Seeds of Destruction' by Syfy) is scheduled to premiere on Syfy on Saturday, October 8, 2011 at 9/8C.

Militant environmentalists Kate and Joe witness, and videotape, the rapid growth of a gigantic root system that literally begins mowing through the country like an earthquake. At the same time, government agent Jack Taylor contacts plant expert Jocelyn Snow, who discovers that her ex-colleague, Frame Marcos, is the probable source of the ancient seed that started the whole ecological disaster. Under the growing threat of massive tsunamis should the enormous root system burrow under the ocean, Jack, Jocelyn, Joe and Kate confront Frame in his compound, then return to the place where it all began, with the hopes that Jocelyn can disable the embryonic root and bring the disaster to an end.

Cast includes Adrian Pasdar, Jesse Moss, James Morrison, Stefanie von Pfetten, Luisa D'Oliveira, David Lewis, David Richmond-Peck, Daniel Bacon and Nicholas Carella.

Directed by Paul Ziller and written by Paul Ziller and Mike Muldoon.

For additional information, Tuning In To So SciFi TV

Tom Selleck - Blue Bloods - CBS Video: 'Friendly Fire' Sneak Peek Airs Sep 30 '11

Source: CBS You Tube channel

Blue 2

BLUE BLOODS - CBS VIDEO: 'Friendly Fire' Sneak Peek Airs Friday, September 30, 2011 at 10/9C

When Danny shoots a cop who failed to identify himself, he is put on modified assignment and must face an Internal Affairs investigation. Watch Blue Bloods, Fridays tat 10/9c only on CBS!

Danny accidentally shoots a cop who failed to identify himself and is investigated by Internal Affairs. During the probe, Danny is put on desk duty while officers try to determine his state of mind on the day of the shooting.

Guest stars include Nestor Serrano, Lusia Strus, Eric Leviton, Joe Urla, David Lavine, Andrea Weston, Brian Sgambati, Laila Robbins and Todd Julian.

Nathan Fillion - Castle - TV Guide Video: 'Head Case' Sneak Peek Airs Oct 3 '11 - ABC 10/9C

Source: TV Guide [follow link for companion article]


CASTLE - TV GUIDE VIDEO: 'Head Case' Sneak Peek Airs Monday, October 3, 2011 at 10/9C on ABC

Castle and Beckett learn about life-extension science and how far people will go for the fountain of youth when they investigate a possible homicide in which there's no body. Elsewhere, Alexis hears from Stanford University's admissions department.

Guest stars include Jordan Belfi, William Atherton, Andy Umberger, Jared Hillman, Judith Hoag, Shaun Toub, Tiffany Panhilason and Susan Grace.

The Vampire Diaries - AOL TV: Candice Accola Q & A

Source: AOL TV [follow link for complete q & a]

Vampire Diaries

THE VAMPIRE DIARIES - AOL TV: Q&A: Candice Accola of 'The Vampire Diaries' Has Real-Life Daddy Trouble, Too

by Jean Bentley
Sep 29th 2011

At the end of last week's 'Vampire Diaries,' poor, abused Caroline Forbes was tied up in a dungeon-like basement (why are there so many freaky, torture-ready chambers in Mystic Falls?) as her heretofore unseen father, played by 'Heroes' star Jack Coleman, prepared to "fix" her so she wouldn't be a vampire anymore. Pretty heavy stuff for just the second episode of the season.

Having discussed Season 3 with Candice Accola, who plays Caroline, on the Atlanta-area 'Vampire Diaries' set just a few weeks ago, AOL TV knows that her character is safe (for now). Accola spilled plenty of scoop about Caroline's budding romance with werewolf Tyler, the sex scenes that make her dad uncomfortable, and Caroline's mindset this year, but she played coy about her impending daddy issues. Frankly, we're kind of worried that she's such a fantastic liar...


... Q: What is Caroline's main goal for the year?

Candice Accola: "I've been asking the writers. [Laughs] To be quite honest, as much as the viewers think that all the writers have everything planned out, they do have a master plan but they don't let it really constrict them into really having to stick to it. Coming into the show we all heard these crazy master plans, and we all learned pretty quickly that things were subject to change. So you have to take it with a whole tablespoon of salt. Caroline's agenda right now thus far in the season is really just about her friends. She's finally found a secure place within herself, so it's nice that she's starting to focus her energy on her friends again. I think that in Season 1 she was very focused on herself as an insecure being, and just as she became comfortable, bam, she was turned into a vampire. So again, she had to do a lot of work on herself. Now she's pretty cool, still neurotic but pretty collected, so she's putting her energy into her friends..."

Alphas - The Morton Report: Ryan Cartwright Interview

Source: The Morton Report [follow link for complete interview]

Alphas 2012

ALPHAS - THE MORTON REPORT: Growing Pains: Interview With Alphas' Ryan Cartwright

By Steve Eramo
September 29, 2011

From the time he gets up in the morning to when he goes to bed at night, Gary Bell likes things done a certain way, whether it is the precise amount of milk in his morning cereal or the time he takes to brush his teeth at night. Diagnosed with high-functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder, he can occasionally be moody -- at one point Gary even admits that he sometimes has a bad attitude -- as well as alternately shy and outspoken in front of strangers.

Gary is also a human antenna or Transducer, giving him the ability to read a wide range of electromagnetic frequencies including television, radio and cell phone signals. He and those like him are called Alphas - human beings with enhanced physical and/or mental powers. Gary and a small group of fellow Alphas have been working with Dr. Lee Rosen to learn how to better live with and master their unique skills. They had no idea, though, where their association with the noted neurologist, psychiatrist and Alpha expert would eventually take them. For actor Ryan Cartwright, who plays Gary on the hit Syfy series Alphas, the chance to take part in this brand new adventure was appealing right from the start...


... “I enjoy doing comedy and was trying to book a comedy during pilot season, but I just seemed to be bouncing from one audition to the next and they were all somewhat the same,” says Cartwright. “Then, however, Alphas came along, and while it’s hardly a comedy, it has quite a bit of clever and well-written humor in it. Most of the comedy pilots were three camera set-ups with pretty big, brash humor, whereas this show was much more subtle and I saw a lot more potential for the comedy to come from a real place..."

31 Days of Halloween - Syfy: Sunday Scinema Schedule Oct 2 '11

Source: Syfy schedulebot


31 DAYS OF HALLOWEEN - SYFY: Sunday Scinema Schedule October 2, 2011


09:00 AM Wolvesbayne

A werewolf hero (Jeremy London) takes on a vampire cult.

Cast includes Mark Dacascos, Yancy Butler, Rhett Giles, Christy Carlson Romano, Jeremy London, Stephanie Honore and Sarah Ann Schultz.


11:00 AM Goblin

Halloween spawns a goblin that is bent on taking a baby from an unsuspecting family, and it's up to their teenage daughter to save her little brother from becoming the creature's meal.

Cast includes Gil Bellows, Tracy Spiridakos, Camille Sullivan, Reilly Dolman, Andrew Wheeler, Stargate SG-1's Colin Cunningham and Battlestar Galactica's Donnelly Rhodes.


01:00 PM Headless Horseman

Billy Aaron Brown and Rebecca Mozo star in this horror movie set in a backwoods town where the locals try to sacrifice teens to the titular monster. Directed by Anthony C. Ferrante.

Cast includes Billy Aaron Brown, Rebecca Mozo, Richard Moll, Arianne Fraser, M. Steven Felty and Trish Coren.


03:00 PM Kill Theory

A celebratory vacation turns into a nightmare for a group of recent college graduates when a sadistic sociopath forces them into a horrific game: They must kill each other off until only one survivor remains. As tensions grow and the murders begin, relationships falter and new alliances are formed.

Cast includes Agnes Bruckner, Patrick John Flueger, Taryn Manning, Teddy Dunn and Ryanne Duzich.


05:00 PM My Bloody Valentine

Remake of the 1981 slasher classic about a homicidal maniac terrorizing a small mining town on Valentine's Day.

Cast includes Supernatural's Jensen Ackles, Jaime King, Kerr Smith, Betsy Rue, Edi Gathegi, Tom Atkins, Kevin Tighe and Megan Boone.


07:00 PM Resident Evil

A special military unit fights a powerful, out-of-control supercomputer and hundreds of scientists who have mutated into flesh-eating creatures after a laboratory accident.

Cast includes Colin Salmon, Milla Jovovich, Michelle Rodriguez, Eric Mabius, James Purefoy, Martin Crewes, Ryan McCluskey and Oscar Pearce.


09:00 PM Resident Evil: Apocalypse

Milla Jovovich does battle with zombies and a sinister corporation in a sequel that covers much of the same scary ground as the original.

Cast includes Milla Jovovich, Sienna Guillory, Oded Fehr, Thomas Kretschmann, Sophie Vavasseur, Razaaq Adoti, Jared Harris and Mike Epps.


11:00 PM Skinwalkers

A pack of biker werewolves try to get their claws on a half-boy, half-wolf 12-year-old (Matthew Knight) who is destined to end their lineage when he turns 13.

Cast includes Jason Behr, Elias Koteas, Rhona Mitra, Natassia Malthe and Kim Coates.


01:00 AM Hybrid

Justine Bateman and Cory Monteith star in this horror movie about a cross-species organ transplant that goes awry, leaving a security dispatcher with wolflike tendencies.

Cast includes Justine Bateman, Tinsel Korey, William MacDonald, Gordon Tootoosis, Brandon Jay McLaren, Glee's Cory Monteith and Robert Borges.


03:00 AM Warbirds

A World War II bomber is forced to land on a Pacific island, where the crew is pitted against flying dinosaurs and rival Japanese forces.

Cast includes Jamie Elle Mann, Brian Krause, Tohoru Masamune, Lucy Faust and David Jensen.