Monday, December 10, 2012

Doctor Who - What's On TV (UK)?: Matt Smith Interview

Source: What's on TV (UK)? [follow link for complete interview]


WHAT'S ON TV (UK)?: Matt Smith: 'Meet my sexy new companion Clara'

Matt tells us what he thinks of Doctor Who’s latest assistant, played by Emmerdale and Waterloo Road’s Jenna Louise Coleman...

... Q: Assuming the Doctor feels guilty about the way Rory and Amy departed, would you say he uses Clara as a distration?

Matt Smith: "The burden of that loss will always be with him, as it always is when an assistant leaves. For my Doctor, Amy and Rory were so significant. But I think it’s important that the grieving takes place and then the show moves back into adventure mode. I felt that when Rose Tyler (assistant to both Christopher Ecclestone and David Tennant’s Doctors, played by Billie Piper) finally left, it affected Martha’s journey too much - he was always talking about Rose..."

Doctor Who's 'The Snowmen' airs in the US on BBC America on Tuesday, December 25, 2012 at 9/8C. In the UK, the Doctor Who Christmas special screens on BBC1 on Christmas Day at 5.20pm


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