THE MORTON REPORT: Lost Girl Q & A with Anna Silk, Kris Holden-Ried and Zoie Palmer
By Steve Eramo
January 16, 2012
... This past Tuesday, Lost Girl’s very own Anna Silk (Bo) along with cast mates Kris Holden-Ried (Dyson) and Zoie Palmer (Lauren) generously took time out of filming the show’s second season to speak with me as well as other journalists about what U.S. audiences can look forward to when Lost Girl’s first season premieres Monday, January 16 at 10:00 p.m. EST/PST on Syfy. The following is an edited version of that Q & A. Enjoy!
... Q: Could the three of you tell us what we can expect going into season one of Lost Girl since most people here in the U.S. haven't seen it?
Anna Silk: "The first season introduces the audience to Bo and her journey into this whole Fae world that she's a part of. The various people she meets along the way become her sort of makeshift family, and Lauren, played by Zoie, and Dyson, played by Kris, are among the interesting characters that she meets."
Kris Holden-Ried: "From Dyson's perspective, in the first season we meet Anna’s character of Bo, who’s been raised by a human family. She had no idea that she’s a Fae or that this entire other world of the Fae exists. Dyson and Bo end up crossing paths because of his job. He goes looking not only for criminals but also people who have done things they shouldn't have done, like the Fae, who are revealing themselves to humans. He finds Bo and a wild crazy 13 episodes ensues."
Zoie Palmer: "Then I guess just to finish off, I play Dr. Lauren Lewis, who is a doctor to the Light Fae. There are two types of Fae, the Light and the Dark, and Lauren is a doctor and a scientist to the Light side. Bo comes to her for help on how to control some of the things that are happening with her as she begins to learn what it’s like to be Fae."
Anna Silk: "Just to expand further, Bo did grow up thinking she was human as Kris said, and discovers not only that she's Fae, but actually a succubus, too. It's a pretty rude awakening early on in the season, and while it answers a lot of questions for her, it also opens the door to many more. So that's sort of what we explore in the first season - how Bo fits into this world and the relationships she develops along the way..."
Lost Girl airs Monday at 10/9C on Syfy.